Wednesday, February 6, 2013


A cataract is a progressive clouding of the eye's natural lens. It is a gradual blurring of vision, usually described as looking through a piece of wax paper. In the normal eye, light passes through a clear lens before it reaches the retina. The lens focuses light on the retina. In an eye with a cataract, the lens becomes cloudy. This clouding distorts rays of light and prevents light from being focused on the retina. This results in distortion of in one's vision. The lens of the eye is composed primarily of protein. Cataracts are caused by changes in the chemical makeup of the lens. With age, the lens becomes thicker and less clear.


Distinctive cataract

Dystrophia myotonica aka Christmas tree cataracts

Hypermature cataract

Mature cataract

Maturing cataract changes in heterochromic cyclitis

Incipient cataract

Cataract in atopic dermatitis

Traumatic cataract with extensive posterior synechiae

Close-up of a cataracted eye

Subluxated cataract in vitreous cavity

Total cataract

Congenital cortical cataract

Traumatic cataract

Traumatic luxated cataract

Hypermature morgagnian cataract

Tota,l complete dense white cataract following trauma

Young patient, 24 had trauma as a child now displays cataract

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