A baby hatch is a place where
mothers can bring their babies, usually newborn, and abandon them
anonymously, in a safe place to be found and cared for. This kind of
arrangement was common in medieval times and in the 18th and 19th
centuries, when the device was known as a foundling wheel. Foundling
wheels were taken out of use in the late 19th century but a
modern form, the baby hatch, began to be introduced again from 1952 and
since 2000 has come into use in many countries, notably in Germany where
there are around 80 hatches. The hatches are usually in hospitals or
social centres and consist of a
door or flap in an outside wall, which opens to reveal a soft bed, and
is heated
or insulated. Sensors in the bed alert carers when a baby has
been put in it so that they can come and take care of the child.
*All links in their respective languages *
'Cribs for Life' in Italy - LINK |
Przybyszewski Monastic Order of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Poland - LINK |
Przybyszewski Monastic Order of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Poland - LINK |
Krakow, Poland. Photo credit: A. Barbarowski - LINK |
Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto, Japan - LINK |
"Baby box" at a regional hospital in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. - LINK |
A cradle, designed specifically for abandoned babies, in Lahore, Pakistan, with a sign urging parents to give away their
newborns rather leaving them in a garbage bin to die. - LINK |
The first infant 'safety island' in Shijiazhuang City, China - LINK |
The 'door of hope' at a Johannesburg orphanage in South Africa - LINK |
Una Culla per la Vita, Italy - LINK |
Baby hatch called a "Baby Box" in the Czech Republic - LINK |
Abandoned baby window in Malaysia. LINK |
Baby hatch at the Hospital of Innocents in Florence, Italy. - LINK |
The oldest living window in Santo Spirito in SASSI, Rome - LINK |
'The Window of Life' in Bydgoszcz, Poland. - LINK |
Golenieow, Poland - LINK |
'Window of Life' in Gdansk, Poland. - LINK |
Baby hatches in Hamburg, Germany - LINK |
"Babyklappe" at St. Hedwig - Krakenhaus, Berlin, Germany - LINK |
“LaRuota” (a wheel resembling a lazy susan) that turned to the inside of a local foundling home, where the baby was collected for processing at a larger regional home. - LINK |
Foundling wheel in La Paz, Bolivia - LINK |
A baby hatch in Kumamoto, Japan - LINK |
Window of Life in Poland - LINK |
Photo credit: © Dariusz Smigielski - |
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