I remember being suspended for posting the first story in this post on Tumblr. However, it wasn't because I agreed or condoned it, it was to show people that it was happening and now it has happened again! I am sickened by anyone who could be a 'cat lover' deciding to mutilate their beloved pets in this way. Secondly I can't understand why any tattoo artist would agree to do this, other than to do something that hasn't been done and/or to just be offensive.
The first tattooed cat, named Mickey, is a pure bred and pedigreed
Spinx cat, who after 3 hours of being under anesthesia,
emerged with a tattoo of Tutanakhamun on his chest. Oksana Popova, Mickey’s owner,wanted something 'new and different' for her pet. - LINK |
In Tatarstan, 24-year-old tattoo artist, Timur, decided to tattoo his cat with the same tattoo as he himself has in the same spot. - LINK |
That is so wrong.
ReplyDeleteI can't even tell you how I hate the people who did this. I'm appalled that a tattoo artist would do that to his own pet. Makes absolutely no sense. Notice how both cases the Sphynx is the victim because it's hairless.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping these were fake when I first saw them on another site.. damn
ReplyDeleteare these animals taken away for animal abuse? wtf..
ReplyDeletethis is the coolest swaggest thing i have ever seen ^^^^ all y'all are fagots
ReplyDeleteUnder anesthesia I don't see the problem... Hell wish I had been under when my ribs were done... mutilation implies disfigurement all I see is artwork... now all of you can go back to your small minded use of animal tested hair products and cosmetics... there are animals being tattooed for identification purposes BTW FYI... which is that? Mutilation or torture...?
ReplyDeleteHey, jackass anonymous. Remember being sore after tats? Remember not waking after someone drugged you? Remember how you CHOSE to get your Ink? Artwork isn't supposed to hurt someone else. f your stupid ass wants to get a tat, go for it, don't force it on someone you supposedly care about. Oh, and BTW FYI... some of us use products not tested on animals, but I guess it would be too hard for some of you to read and find which products those are
DeleteDo you remember when those cows, pigs, chicken and fish CHOSE to be killed as human food? Nope, neither did I! So if you are a vegetarian or something of the sort no one should actually be complaining about animal cruelty, unless its something that's actually going to be putting an animal in serious danger.
DeleteAnesthesia on it's own is dangerous, why put an animal through an unnecessary risk.
DeleteFor ID purposes is different. This is the equivalent of tattooing a child. If you took an unconscious person into a tattoo shop and asked them to put a tattoo on them they would say "NO". Why? Because that person cannot make the decision for themselves. What is the purpose of tattooing a Cat? Arrogance and Stupidity.
ReplyDeleteThat's legit
ReplyDeleteThis absolutely breaks my heart. For someone that not only is covered in tattoos and knows how fucking painful it can be, but also owner of a gorgeous sphynx kitten - I could not imagine putting my little guy through the pain of something that only comes across as vacuous and meaningless on an animal that has no comprehension of our own thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThis is fucking horrible! I hAte people
ReplyDeleteIt must hurt so much more for the cat because the bone is so much closer the skin on cats than people! That must have left some serious brusing on their bones! :(
ReplyDeleteOk as a professional tattooist myself I understand this entirely. We as artists have an insatiable need to push our art further and further. Extending the "accepted" boundaries is just the nature of the industry. I don't expect close minded conservatives such as yourselves to understand but in the end how is tattooing an animal that is sedated any different then clipping a dog's ears or tail? How is it different than removing testicals or even replacing them with fake ones for aesthetic purposes?? Is this so different from using steroids to enhance performance in racing? The animal will fully recover with no side effects. You all can judge but there are far more cruel things happening to animals. The cat goes through slight discomfort but ultimately returns to its warm home with food and water in its dish. Pushing the envelope is part of being in the body modification industry. It's a pet at the end of the day. It is property of the owner and as long as this animal's well being isn't in jeopardy where is the moral or ethical problem? Who are you to judge? 14 year olds can get tattooed in Massechusetts with parental consent. I would absolutely love to (and probably will) purchase a pet to ordain with my art because it's my passion.
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't believe it's okay to cause an animal pain for cosmetic purposes, this is actually more humane than many other more socially acceptable practices out there. Most people don't think twice if they see a dog with cropped ears or a docked tail. Livestock such as sheep, pigs, and dairy cattle also get their tails docked, much less humanely than a dog would. Horses are mutilated so their tails are set in the right position or don't swish, and so they perform the right gaits (soring).
ReplyDeleteDocking impairs an animal's balance and ability to communicate with other's of it's species. A study was done that showed dogs with docked tails are attacked more than dogs with full tails because they can't communicate as well. It causes lifelong distress. A cat with a tattoo might be sore after the tattoing process, but then it goes back to living it's life without suffering.
Many animals are already tattooed for identification purposes such as dogs and horses. (Granted, not full body tattoos...) Other animals are less lucky and are branded with hot irons.
While I disagree with tattooing cats and certainly would not do it to my own animal, I don't think it's one of the worse problems out there, and certainly not cruel when compared to other more common practices.
^^^^^ THANK YOU :)
DeleteI am an owner of a sphynx cat and i am looking into getting him a tattoo. I dont find it in any way close to animal abuse. If my cat ever gets loose and someone tries to claim him as their own, its an easy way to prove he belongs to me. and BTW its not near as painful as some other people brand their animals, or decide to declaw a cat, or have them "fixed".
ReplyDeleteI don't unstandard how some of you are trying to justify this by recalling all the other horrible shit we do to ours animals, just because these things happen doesn't make it okay to needlessly torture your pet that you are supposed to care for, and make them go through a dangerous anesthesia for decoration. Its not okay. Do what you want to yourself, you have a choice and they don't.
ReplyDelete...And by the way whoever said that people with the opinion that you shouldn't tattoo your pet were "stupid conservations", I don't think that makes any sense. Most conservatives would probably be fine with deciding on the life of someone else, and making choices for them. I feel the opposite..
ReplyDeleteLol its a cat the people probably paid a shit ton of money for. They didn't do this to be cruel. I love how upset people get over such trivial things. Pretty sure pets get tattoos in their ears etc. for identification. Fuck the internet is filled with over sensitive sheep