Thursday, May 30, 2013

Heart-Shaped Tree Stumps


Photo by deathsinangel on Deviantart

Photo by musicboxdancr on deviantart

Photo by palenka on Deviantart

Photo by alientwilight on Deviantart


Photo by Raitaruu on Deviantart

Photo by abusive-mana on Deviantart

Photo by Svantie on Deviantart

Photo by zinc-tails on Deviantart

Photo by LordPlinko on Deviantart

Photo by bleedinglipgloss on Deviantart

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Curious Flora

Yareta (Azorella compacta) Photo by MiguelVieira on Flickr
Selenicereus Anthinanus. Photo by Gordon KA Dickson on Flickr

Fasciated pussywillow stem. Photo by Jessica D on Flickr

Pelecyphora aselliformis. Photo by Luis Soares on Flickr

Aeonium atropurpurreum. Photo by Autumn Robertson on Flickr

Sedum morganianum “Donkey’s Tail” Photo by Mathew Gallaway

Musa acuminata - LINK

Fasciated stem - LINK

Crassula capitella subsp. thyrsiflora 'Red Pagoda'. Photo by Sean A O'Hara on Flickr

Pink Mink Protea (Protea neriifolia) - LINK

Faucaria tigrina or the Tiger's Jaw. - LINK

The banana plant flower - LINK

A type of hybrid butterfly orchid - LINK

Crassula Red Pagoda (Crassula corymbulosa) - LINK

Astrophytum myriostigma f. tricostatum - LINK

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bruises Part V

You can find Part I here, Part II here and Part III here, Part IV here and
Posterior Bruises here