The cremation
process begins with the placement of the deceased pet in the
cremation chamber(in this case a service that will come to your home) where it is subjected to intense heat and
flame reaching temperatures between 1400 and 1800° F.
All substances are consumed except bone fragments (calcium
compounds) and/or metal, that
was not removed prior to cremation as the temperature is not
sufficient to consume them. The time for
cremation to be completed varies with the size and weight of
each pet remains but usually takes between 45 min. to 2 hours. Following a
cooling period, the cremated remains are then swept or raked
from the cremation chamber. After the
cremated remains are removed from the cremation chamber. All
non-combustible materials that have not been removed prior to
cremation, will be separated and removed from the bone fragments. Once the bone
fragments have been separated from other material, they may be
further processed to reduce the size of the bone fragments to
uniform particles. Cremated remains,
depending on the bone structure of the pet, will weigh
from 1 to 5 pounds, and are usually white in color, but can
be other colors due to temperature variations and other