Sunday, November 13, 2011


Bruising after surgery to remove a thoracic cyst.
Bruising produced by a blunt instrument.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dental Problems

A Noma patient's oral region before skin grafting

Coronary recent fractures with temporary protection dentin with resin.
After crown removal
Tooth avulsion
 “Sounding” or manipulating the socket of the epithelial attachment
Bruising on the inner surface of the upper lip. tooth splint with an Erick bar
Coronal fracture of the transverse cervical upper left central incisor1.
Avulsion of the upper left central incisor.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Severe burn contractures of both hands
An 8-year-old girl in Kapisa province was burned by white phosphorus munitions - LINK
A lucky survivor after an acid attack whilst demonstrating in Dhaka, Bangladesh - LINK
A photo of an acid attack victim in Cambodia, taken by Paula Bronstein - LINK  
Acid attack victims in Dhaka, Bangladesh with deformed faces - LINK

Chemical burns
Chemical burns
Disfigured little girl with acid

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The majority of these photos were taken from here